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5 Benefits of Fraxel® Dual for Younger-Looking Skin

5 Benefits of Fraxel® Dual for Younger-Looking Skin

There are a lot of good things that come with time. However, they often don’t involve your skin: Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of yourself, skin goes through natural changes that cause fine lines, wrinkles, and reduced laxity (sag).

A lifetime of exposure to sun, pollution, and stress only adds to those dreaded age-related skin changes. But advancements in technology can help you look as good on the outside as you do within — at every age.

Dr. Juan-Carlos Caballero and our expert team offer a full scope of medical and cosmetic dermatology services at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center in Warrenton, Virginia. 

If you want to restore your youthful appearance, it’s time to consider Fraxel® Dual resurfacing and skin rejuvenating treatments. Here are five ways this patented fractional laser technology can help you achieve younger-looking skin.

1. Wrinkle relief

One of the most obvious signs of aging involves fine lines and wrinkles — but they’re no match for Fraxel technology.

These treatments activate the tissue remodeling process in your body. Basically, the laser energy penetrates deep into your skin tissues, triggering collagen production. This makes Fraxel a perfect solution for wrinkles and fine lines on the face, especially around the eyes.

2. Age spot solutions

Have you noticed flat, uneven patches of dark skin on your neck, face, chest, arms, or hands? 

You may have heard these areas of discoloration referred to as age spots; But they’re actually sun damage that has developed over time as your body produced too much melanin in response to long-term exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Other names for these discolorations include liver spots, brown spots, and sunspots.

Fraxel energy is absorbed by the dark areas, which are disrupted from the skin and sloughed off in the week following treatment. This removes or reduces the appearance of the “age spots”, and it’s safe to use anywhere they appear, including delicate skin areas like your upper chest (décolletage).

3. Skin resurfacing

Time itself takes a toll on your skin, thanks to everyday factors like air pollution, stress, sun, and smoking. Fraxel can help you put a fresh face forward with resurfacing — but it doesn’t work like chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

Instead, Fraxel resurfaces your skin from the inside out, by breaking up compromised tissue and replacing old, damaged cells with healthy, fresh, and glowing tissue.

4. Melasma treatment

Millions of people have melasma, a condition that causes irregular patches of brown skin on the face, typically on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and upper lip. While melasma isn’t serious or life-threatening, it can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance.

Fortunately, Fraxel can provide solutions by targeting problem areas deep in the skin and activating the healing process.

5. Surface scarring elimination

Finally, if you have acne scars that bring up unpleasant reminders from your past, Fraxel can take care of those, too. 

Whether the skin marks you have developed from pimples or from surgical incisions, Fraxel technology can reduce their appearance by stimulating the remodeling process deep within your skin.

What to expect from a Fraxel Dual treatment

Now the best part — Fraxel makes all of these changes possible without the need for injections. Instead, you can expect to notice immediate changes after your noninvasive treatment, and these skin changes will continue to improve with time.

Before your session, our skilled providers discuss your concerns and outline the most effective treatment strategy. Once your treatment plan is in place, we apply a numbing solution to the area. This keeps you comfortable throughout the entire appointment.

Afterward, you may have some minor redness or swelling, but it varies based on the level of treatment you require.

Over the following days, you should notice your skin turning a natural bronze shade, similar to a tan or mild sunburn. And, just like a sunburn, your skin will flake as you heal, revealing fresh, healthy, and glowing new skin underneath.

After having a Fraxel Dual treatment, you can expect your skin to continue improving for three to six months as new collagen returns to the area. For the best results, typically recommend a series of treatments.

Ready to renew the skin you’re in? 

Are you ready to see the benefits of Fraxel Dual for yourself? Contact Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center to schedule a consultation with our team in Warrenton, Virginia, today.

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