Cherry Angioma

Q: What are those red “moles” on my skin?
A: Most likely a Cherry Angioma
Cherry Angioma is a big name for a little, benign red growth on the skin that is made up of tiny blood vessels (which provides its characteristic red color). They are typically the size of freckles or small moles, but they can be larger. Like freckles and moles, they can be either flat or elevated and can pop up anywhere on the body. Most often, they appear on the chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs. The cause is unknown, but there does seem to be a genetic component. As if you need another reason to wear sunscreen daily, sun exposure is known to encourage the appearance of Cherry Angiomas.
There is no topical cream that removes cherry angiomas, so you will need to see a skin expert if you want them to go away. Fortunately, these benign (non-cancerous) bumps can be safely and easily removed using the heat and light from a cosmetic laser or electrical current (Lam Probe). Certain skin cancers can have a similar appearance, so it is important to have a board certified Dermatologist or certified PA-C check out any unusual lesions that crop up on your skin before seeking cosmetic removal.
If you have cherry angiomas or other unusual moles or skin lesions causing you concern, don’t hesitate to call the skin experts at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center 540-341-1900.
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