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How the Plasma Pen Can Tighten Problem Areas in Your Skin

How the Plasma Pen Can Tighten Problem Areas in Your Skin

While you may feel as youthful as ever on the inside, your exterior may not be in alignment thanks to the aging process. More frustrating still is the fact that signs of aging tend to show up in those places that are on full display, such as your face, neck, chest, and hands.

While there’s little we can do to stop time, there’s a good deal we can do to combat its most visible effects. In fact, the anti-aging and rejuvenation toolkit that we have here at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center has never been more extensive. 

Our experienced aesthetic team, under the expert direction of board-certified dermatologist Dr. Juan-Carlos Caballero, prides itself on offering effective, evidence-based treatments. 

Here, we want to highlight the Plasma Pen™ — which does a fantastic job of hitting the reset button on some problem areas. Here’s how this innovative technology works to renew, revitalize, and tighten your skin.

The science behind aging skin

Before we dive into the Plasma Pen, it’s helpful to review what we’re up against when it comes to aging skin. 

The structure of your skin comes from collagen, which is the most prevalent protein in the human body, accounting for 30% of the proteins in your body. These proteins are responsible for the support, structure, and strength of your organs, bones, connective tissues, and skin.

When you’re in your teens and twenties, your collagen levels reach their peak, and then they start to gradually decline — collagen production goes down about 1% a year starting in your late twenties to early thirties. And if you’re a member of the fairer sex, the news is even worse — females inherently have 15% less collagen in their bodies than men.

As a result of this collagen loss, skin can wrinkle, droop, and hollow out, especially in areas that are exposed to the sun because ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate the breakdown of collagen.

Calling on collagen with the Plasma Pen

The reason we took a quick dive into the science behind aging skin is to illustrate why the Plasma Pen works so well. 

Our goal with the Plasma Pen is to encourage more collagen production to lift and smooth aging skin. To do this, we deliver plasma energy, which is essentially superheated gas, into your skin. These blasts of plasma create micro-injuries in your skin, which is the wakeup call your body needs to ramp up its collagen production.

This wakeup call comes in the form of fibroblasts, which are cells that create collagen. When we use the Plasma Pen, we encourage fibroblast activity in your treatment areas.

Where Plasma Pen can lift and tighten skin

Plasma Pen treatments have a great safety record, and we can use them in most troubled areas, including:

The fact is that we can use the Plasma Pen wherever you’d like to lift, tighten, and improve skin texture, from head to toe.

Plasma Pen treatments are an easy in-office appointment, but you should count on about a week of social downtime as your skin heals and begins to remodel itself in your treatment areas. After this happens, your skin will continue to rebuild from the inside out, giving you gradual results over the course of several weeks to months that you can enjoy long into the future. Check out the “skin tightening” page of our website to see before and after photos.

Scheduling a Plasma Pen consultation to get more information and a personalized treatment plan with pricing - it’s just one phone call or click away. To get the ball rolling, you can request an appointment online or call our office in Warrenton, Virginia, today at 540-341-1900.

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