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Rosacea: What You Need to Know

Rosacea: What You Need to Know

Rosacea is a skin disorder which causes inflammation and red coloring of the skin, especially on the face. It can also impacts the ears, chest, and back. In addition to a “flushed” appearance, pimples and bumps may accompany the redness. It occurs most commonly in people aged 30-60 with fair skin, and it is now estimated by the National Rosacea Society (NRS) that 16 million Americans suffer from the signs and symptoms of Rosacea. Many celebrities are said to have struggled with Rosacea, including: Princess Diana, Prince William, Cynthia Nixon, Bill Clinton, Renee Zellweger, Rembrandt, W.C. Fields, Cameron Diaz, Sam Smith, and Rosie O’Donnell, to name a few.

Rosacea can cause more than just the classic redness. Due to varying symptoms, this disorder has four subtypes:

  1. Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea: Redness, flushing, visible blood vessels – looks much like a bad sunburn. Visible blood vessels can turn into spider veins if untreated.
  2. Papulopustular Rosacea: Redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts.
  3. Phymatous Rosacea: Skin thickens and has a bumpy texture, people are often embarrassed of the appearance of their skin.
  4. Ocular Rosacea: Eyes red and irritated, eyelids swell, sty-like bumps in the eye area.

There are many triggers, such as stress, eating spicy and/or acidic foods, drinking caffeine, dramatic fluctuations in temperature or allergic reaction. So, the first and most important step to controlling the symptoms of Rosacea is lifestyle modifications. It is important to consult with a Board Certified Dermatologist, like Dr. Caballero at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center, to get proper diagnosis and counseling. Oral and/or topical medications may be prescribed, and appropriate skincare products will be recommended by highly trained skincare professionals. The goal is to stabilize the symptoms of your Rosacea. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disorder and you may experience a recurrence or “flair” at some point.

One of the most effective treatments for facial and chest/décolleté Rosacea is the use of intense pulsed light photo facial, also known as IPL or photo-rejuvenation. It typically requires a series of treatments, and patients experience 50% to 75% or better control of their symptoms.

Successful treatment can be life changing for a Rosacea patient. This is what one of our patients had to say (her before and after photo accompanies this article): “I always thought I had acne – then I was diagnosed with Rosacea by Heather Callahan, PA-C at Warrenton Dermatology. I followed her treatment plan and started topical medications, as well as a series of IPL treatments. Now my Rosacea is under control and I can’t believe how great my skin looks.”

If you think you may have Rosacea, call Warrenton Dermatology at (540) 341-1900 for an appointment to find out for sure. We can help!

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