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Why is Your Hair Falling Out?

More than 60% of men experience some degree of hair loss by age 35. As men and women approach their 40s and 50s, they can experience thinning hair and balding at high rates. Hair loss can make you appear much older than you are. It can also hit your self-esteem.

Now there’s a safe and natural way to restore your hair so you can feel youthful again. Our team of warm and talented professionals at Warrenton Dermatology in Warrenton, Virginia is led by Dr. Juan-Carlos Caballero, a board-certified dermatologist. Dr. Caballero can help men and women restore their hair through the cutting-edge treatment of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, or through our line of exclusive hair restoration products.

How does PRP therapy for hair restoration work?

Dr. Caballero uses PRP therapy to help hair grow and thicken naturally. Our team first draws blood from your arm, and store it in a vial. We spin your blood in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets, which we can later extract. Because platelets contain a high level of growth factors, they can activate your hair follicles, encouraging new hair growth.  

After the PRP sample is created, Dr. Caballero gently injects the sample into different points on your scalp to activate hair growth. In the coming weeks, you should notice new and thicker hair.

Most patients need a series of three treatments to get the results they want, but Dr. Caballero will work with you and your medical history to determine your dosage. You must wait 4-6 weeks between each treatment, and Dr. Caballero may recommend undergoing maintenance treatments twice a year. Our goal isn’t to make you feel better for a little while, but to improve your overall condition by helping you keep your new, thicker hair all year.

Who is a good candidate for PRP therapy?

Most people can benefit from PRP therapy to restore their hair, but some people are better candidates than others. You may be a good candidate for PRP therapy if you:

When you consult with Dr. Caballero, he’ll examine your hair loss, let you know if you’re a candidate, and give you an idea of what you can expect from treatment. 

What is ISDIN?

Dr. Caballero and the Warrenton Dermatology team are proud to offer ISDIN, a European-based product line that we recommend for their hair restoration products. We offer a variety of shampoos, conditioners, hair lotions, and supplements for those experiencing hair loss. 

What sets PRP therapy apart?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss is an ideal treatment because it’s safe and natural. No drugs or chemicals are used, so you won’t experience any negative side effects. Plus, unlike hair transplants, no incisions are made, so no one will know you had the procedure done. Unlike many other hair restoration treatments, PRP therapy requires no downtime, so you can return to work and your daily life immediately following your procedure. 

Remember that PRP therapy isn’t your only option for hair restoration. With careful supervision and proper use of our recommended products, Dr. Caballero can help you get the results that you need. You deserve to love the way you look. If you’re tired of looking older than you feel, PRP therapy may be just what you need. To learn more about restoring your hair with PRP therapy, book an appointment online or over the phone with Warrenton Dermatology today.

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