When should I see a dermatologist for a skin disorder?
Yearly visits to the dermatologist help you ensure your skin is in tip-top shape and free of unusual lesions that could suggest skin cancer or another disorder.
If you notice any abnormal skin issues developing between your regular exams, you also benefit from a trip to Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center.
Make an appointment for:
- Rashes or skin infections
- Itchy, flaky, or swollen skin
- Patches of scaly skin
- Raw, reddened, or sensitive skin
- Unusual bumps or lesions
These symptoms suggest a skin disorder that requires treatment and possibly long-term management.

What are common skin disorders?
The dermatology team provides evaluation and treatment for a wide variety of skin disorders, including rashes, hives, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.
Rashes or hives
Rashes or hives can develop due to an allergic reaction, skin irritation, drug side effect, or insect bites. Some rashes and hives clear up quickly on their own, but if yours persists for several days or causes extreme discomfort, the team at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center can help. Rashes that ooze or weep or recur should be evaluated.
Eczema primarily presents as skin that’s overly dry and extremely itchy. It can cause long-lasting flare-ups that keep you up at night and persist for weeks or months. Look for symptoms of eczema on your neck, chest, feet, hands, scalp, and elbows.
The symptoms of eczema include:
- Raw and sensitive skin
- Small raised bumps
- Thickened or cracked skin
- Greyish, reddish, or brown patches
There’s no cure for eczema, but you can successfully manage symptoms.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition in which your skin cells mature too quickly and start to build up on top of one another. As a result, you develop whitish-silvery plaques as well as:
- Raised, inflamed patches of skin
- Dry skin that cracks and bleeds
- Soreness around the patches
The team at Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center can help you manage psoriasis, no matter its severity.
The exact cause of rosacea has yet to be determined, but millions of Americans suffer from its ongoing facial redness and acne-like pimples. People with rosacea may also have watery or irritated eyes, visible small vessels, and a bulbous nose.
How are skin disorders treated?
Treatment for your skin disorder depends on your diagnosis. Your plan may include:
- Topical or oral prescription medications
- Laser treatments
- Light therapy
- Corticosteroids
The doctors also share at-home therapies that can help soothe outbreaks.
If you have a skin disorder that needs attention, contact Warrenton Dermatology & Skin Therapy Center. Call today or book your appointment online.